Archive for 2014/07/31

“Hacking the Naked Princess” – latest chapters are in print in 2600 Magazine

Go get 2600 Volume 31, #2 (the Summer 2014 issue) to read the continuation of Dev Manny’s newest case, “Hacking the Naked Princess”.

To date, here are the back issues where you can get the rest of the story:

Part 1: Volume 29, #2 (Summer 2012)

Part 2: Volume 29, #4 (Winter 2012-2013)

Part 3: Volume 30, #2 (Summer 2013) 

Part 4: Volume 30, #4 (Winter 2013)

Part 5: Volume 31, #2 (Summer 2014)
(this is what just came out)

Future chapters will be serialized in 2600, probably every other issue.


2600 Magazine is available in many bookstores, including Barnes & Noble. Individual issues can be purchased at the above links.